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Acrylic candy box making materials
Date added:[2018/1/13 15:12:55]
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The acrylic candy boxes we use are all made of acrylic board, which has good advantages. So what are the materials used to make acrylic candy boxes?
  1. It is mainly a composite board made of acrylic and other materials. It is mainly used in low-end organic glass processing and has relatively few applications.
  2. Acrylic sheets are processed partially using acrylic concentrates and some use acrylic recycled materials. Due to the difference in the proportion of concentrates and processing techniques, this type of acrylic sheet is good or bad. Under normal circumstances, the service life of about 5 years is not a problem.
  3. Acrylic sheets made of full-precision materials through casting, extrusion, and continuous pouring. This kind of acrylic sheets are of good quality and expensive, and the service life is generally 8-10 years without a problem.
  4. The service life of imported high-quality acrylic sheets can reach 30 years. This brand-new acrylic sheet is widely used in industrial and commercial products, and it is a material that requires high-quality products. Especially in the use of commercial acrylic display stands, it is widely used.
